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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

I’m Nicole S. Men., and this is the NSMEN blog. I’m passionate

about making my own path in this life and breaking cycles that

have once fractured me.


Silence about my thoughts, feelings and experiences was only

driving me further into darkness and I knew I had to save myself.

Whilst trying to unlearn my habit of under-sharing, I often

struggled to articulate myself, which would further deter me

from speaking up. My social anxiety made this particularly harder for me, so I started to type everything in my notes. Writing became my way of freeing myself from the thoughts in my head. I didn’t always presume speaking up about my thoughts welcome, so writing was the way to go.


NSMEN is my baby, the beautiful offspring of my pain and as someone who has been battling with my mental health for a while, I am ready to talk, write and express it all, in the hopes that others will do the same. I will express myself to wellness.




'Pieces' is where I share some poems I had written when I was deep in my feelings. These poems come from a passionate place and each one of them is a piece of me.


I called this page 'Light' because I thought it would be a great idea to share my experiences and assure others that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m no motivational speaker, but I know I’ve needed that so many times so others may as well.

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