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Dirty Thirty?


It’s been almost three years since I started this blog and I must say it hasn't been easy to put out content. Each post may not seem difficult to write to some people, but the struggle to put my own thoughts together is real.

I half-write posts and when I get fed up, unto the next one I go. After a few weeks, I come back to finish off what I started; the nsmen cycle. Sometimes I want to delete my blog because if I’m struggling so much to post consistently, then maybe I shouldn’t have a blog?

Do you ever have everything in your head but as soon as you want to share what’s on your mind, you struggle to get your point across. I could even have everything noted down, but if it doesn’t sound the way I need it to, it will never be posted. This doesn't only happen with the blog but also with my verbal expression; very frustrating.

It’s not just about writing, I like the emotions behind each post to be felt. They may not always be good emotions, but they sure are relatable. I can imagine other content creators can relate to this. Each of us has a standard we want our work to hold up to and it's not always easy to get it there.

After thirty-three months, I finally have THIRTY published posts and I'm so proud of myself. *pats own head* Each one of you who has read, continues to read my website, is subscribed, gives feedback or shares my post is extremely amazing and all I want to say is thank you for not freaking out (to my knowledge lol) every time you get a notification from me. You’re the best! #DirtyThirty #Light


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