In a time like this, it’s expected that our levels of anxiety and low mood will peak as there’s so much going on. It’s a scary time for everyone because it’s filled with so much uncertainty.
If you’ve been reading my blog posts or you know me at all, you’d know I have really bad anxiety so this pandemic is the worst thing that could happen; my worrying knows no end. Personally, I’ve started avoiding news articles, broadcasts and family group chats because they make everything worse. Like, I’m already very aware of how scary things are and I’m trying to calm myself down but there are constant. updates. everywhere.
There’s so much more free time for most of us but, even for people who work from home, there’s not enough to do. Some of us have lost our jobs and it’s not necessarily the easiest time for anyone to apply for jobs. I can only imagine the frustration, helplessness and loneliness some people are feeling.
It’s essential for all of us to let loose and not take ourselves too seriously because that’s what will keep us sane in these times. Play some video games, try some new make-up looks, plan some outfits for when we can be outside again, do a dance-off with your family, some karaoke, start a YouTube channel even, do something you would enjoy, but do it guilt-free because things are getting pretty serious outside so the best we can do is keep it interesting inside.
It’s very important for us to go easy on ourselves in such a time because almost everything is out of our control. There’s no telling when things will get back to normal but we're staying positive and hoping for the very best.